From e3ea583893800b11d8070f096384d84e6e56af15 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ReinUsesLisp <>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2019 02:44:45 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] maxwell_to_vk: Improve image format table and add more

A1B5G5R5 uses A1R5G5B5. This is flipped with image view swizzles;
flushing is still not properly implemented on Vulkan for this particular
 .../renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.cpp         | 206 ++++++++++--------
 .../renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.h           |  10 +-
 2 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.cpp
index 122b88e2e7..000e3616df 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.cpp
@@ -102,106 +102,140 @@ vk::CompareOp DepthCompareFunction(Tegra::Texture::DepthCompareFunc depth_compar
 } // namespace Sampler
+namespace {
+enum : u32 { Attachable = 1, Storage = 2 };
 struct FormatTuple {
     vk::Format format; ///< Vulkan format
-    bool attachable;   ///< True when this format can be used as an attachment
-static constexpr std::array<FormatTuple, VideoCore::Surface::MaxPixelFormat> tex_format_tuples = {{
-    {vk::Format::eA8B8G8R8UnormPack32, true},    // ABGR8U
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // ABGR8S
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // ABGR8UI
-    {vk::Format::eB5G6R5UnormPack16, false},     // B5G6R5U
-    {vk::Format::eA2B10G10R10UnormPack32, true}, // A2B10G10R10U
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // A1B5G5R5U
-    {vk::Format::eR8Unorm, true},                // R8U
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // R8UI
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RGBA16F
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RGBA16U
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RGBA16UI
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // R11FG11FB10F
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RGBA32UI
-    {vk::Format::eBc1RgbaUnormBlock, false},     // DXT1
-    {vk::Format::eBc2UnormBlock, false},         // DXT23
-    {vk::Format::eBc3UnormBlock, false},         // DXT45
-    {vk::Format::eBc4UnormBlock, false},         // DXN1
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // DXN2UNORM
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // DXN2SNORM
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // BC7U
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // BC6H_UF16
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // BC6H_SF16
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // ASTC_2D_4X4
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // BGRA8
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RGBA32F
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RG32F
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // R32F
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // R16F
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // R16U
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // R16S
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // R16UI
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // R16I
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RG16
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RG16F
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RG16UI
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RG16I
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RG16S
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RGB32F
-    {vk::Format::eA8B8G8R8SrgbPack32, true},     // RGBA8_SRGB
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RG8U
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RG8S
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RG32UI
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // RGBX16F
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // R32UI
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // ASTC_2D_8X8
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // ASTC_2D_8X5
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},             // ASTC_2D_5X4
-    // Compressed sRGB formats
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false}, // BGRA8_SRGB
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false}, // DXT1_SRGB
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false}, // DXT23_SRGB
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false}, // DXT45_SRGB
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false}, // BC7U_SRGB
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false}, // ASTC_2D_4X4_SRGB
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false}, // ASTC_2D_8X8_SRGB
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false}, // ASTC_2D_8X5_SRGB
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false}, // ASTC_2D_5X4_SRGB
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false}, // ASTC_2D_5X5
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false}, // ASTC_2D_5X5_SRGB
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false}, // ASTC_2D_10X8
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false}, // ASTC_2D_10X8_SRGB
+    int usage;         ///< Describes image format usage
+} constexpr tex_format_tuples[] = {
+    {vk::Format::eA8B8G8R8UnormPack32, Attachable | Storage},    // ABGR8U
+    {vk::Format::eA8B8G8R8SnormPack32, Attachable | Storage},    // ABGR8S
+    {vk::Format::eA8B8G8R8UintPack32, Attachable | Storage},     // ABGR8UI
+    {vk::Format::eB5G6R5UnormPack16, {}},                        // B5G6R5U
+    {vk::Format::eA2B10G10R10UnormPack32, Attachable | Storage}, // A2B10G10R10U
+    {vk::Format::eA1R5G5B5UnormPack16, Attachable | Storage},    // A1B5G5R5U (flipped with swizzle)
+    {vk::Format::eR8Unorm, Attachable | Storage},                // R8U
+    {vk::Format::eR8Uint, Attachable | Storage},                 // R8UI
+    {vk::Format::eR16G16B16A16Sfloat, Attachable | Storage},     // RGBA16F
+    {vk::Format::eR16G16B16A16Unorm, Attachable | Storage},      // RGBA16U
+    {vk::Format::eR16G16B16A16Uint, Attachable | Storage},       // RGBA16UI
+    {vk::Format::eB10G11R11UfloatPack32, Attachable | Storage},  // R11FG11FB10F
+    {vk::Format::eR32G32B32A32Uint, Attachable | Storage},       // RGBA32UI
+    {vk::Format::eBc1RgbaUnormBlock, {}},                        // DXT1
+    {vk::Format::eBc2UnormBlock, {}},                            // DXT23
+    {vk::Format::eBc3UnormBlock, {}},                            // DXT45
+    {vk::Format::eBc4UnormBlock, {}},                            // DXN1
+    {vk::Format::eBc5UnormBlock, {}},                            // DXN2UNORM
+    {vk::Format::eBc5SnormBlock, {}},                            // DXN2SNORM
+    {vk::Format::eBc7UnormBlock, {}},                            // BC7U
+    {vk::Format::eBc6HUfloatBlock, {}},                          // BC6H_UF16
+    {vk::Format::eBc6HSfloatBlock, {}},                          // BC6H_SF16
+    {vk::Format::eAstc4x4UnormBlock, {}},                        // ASTC_2D_4X4
+    {vk::Format::eB8G8R8A8Unorm, {}},                            // BGRA8
+    {vk::Format::eR32G32B32A32Sfloat, Attachable | Storage},     // RGBA32F
+    {vk::Format::eR32G32Sfloat, Attachable | Storage},           // RG32F
+    {vk::Format::eR32Sfloat, Attachable | Storage},              // R32F
+    {vk::Format::eR16Sfloat, Attachable | Storage},              // R16F
+    {vk::Format::eR16Unorm, Attachable | Storage},               // R16U
+    {vk::Format::eUndefined, {}},                                // R16S
+    {vk::Format::eUndefined, {}},                                // R16UI
+    {vk::Format::eUndefined, {}},                                // R16I
+    {vk::Format::eR16G16Unorm, Attachable | Storage},            // RG16
+    {vk::Format::eR16G16Sfloat, Attachable | Storage},           // RG16F
+    {vk::Format::eUndefined, {}},                                // RG16UI
+    {vk::Format::eUndefined, {}},                                // RG16I
+    {vk::Format::eR16G16Snorm, Attachable | Storage},            // RG16S
+    {vk::Format::eUndefined, {}},                                // RGB32F
+    {vk::Format::eR8G8B8A8Srgb, Attachable},                     // RGBA8_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eR8G8Unorm, Attachable | Storage},              // RG8U
+    {vk::Format::eR8G8Snorm, Attachable | Storage},              // RG8S
+    {vk::Format::eR32G32Uint, Attachable | Storage},             // RG32UI
+    {vk::Format::eUndefined, {}},                                // RGBX16F
+    {vk::Format::eR32Uint, Attachable | Storage},                // R32UI
+    {vk::Format::eAstc8x8UnormBlock, {}},                        // ASTC_2D_8X8
+    {vk::Format::eUndefined, {}},                                // ASTC_2D_8X5
+    {vk::Format::eUndefined, {}},                                // ASTC_2D_5X4
+    {vk::Format::eUndefined, {}},                                // BGRA8_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eBc1RgbaSrgbBlock, {}},                         // DXT1_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eUndefined, {}},                                // DXT23_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eBc3SrgbBlock, {}},                             // DXT45_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eBc7SrgbBlock, {}},                             // BC7U_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eR4G4B4A4UnormPack16, Attachable},              // R4G4B4A4U
+    {vk::Format::eAstc4x4SrgbBlock, {}},                         // ASTC_2D_4X4_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eAstc8x8SrgbBlock, {}},                         // ASTC_2D_8X8_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eAstc8x5SrgbBlock, {}},                         // ASTC_2D_8X5_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eAstc5x4SrgbBlock, {}},                         // ASTC_2D_5X4_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eAstc5x5UnormBlock, {}},                        // ASTC_2D_5X5
+    {vk::Format::eAstc5x5SrgbBlock, {}},                         // ASTC_2D_5X5_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eAstc10x8UnormBlock, {}},                       // ASTC_2D_10X8
+    {vk::Format::eAstc10x8SrgbBlock, {}},                        // ASTC_2D_10X8_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eAstc6x6UnormBlock, {}},                        // ASTC_2D_6X6
+    {vk::Format::eAstc6x6SrgbBlock, {}},                         // ASTC_2D_6X6_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eAstc10x10UnormBlock, {}},                      // ASTC_2D_10X10
+    {vk::Format::eAstc10x10SrgbBlock, {}},                       // ASTC_2D_10X10_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eAstc12x12UnormBlock, {}},                      // ASTC_2D_12X12
+    {vk::Format::eAstc12x12SrgbBlock, {}},                       // ASTC_2D_12X12_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eAstc8x6UnormBlock, {}},                        // ASTC_2D_8X6
+    {vk::Format::eAstc8x6SrgbBlock, {}},                         // ASTC_2D_8X6_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eAstc6x5UnormBlock, {}},                        // ASTC_2D_6X5
+    {vk::Format::eAstc6x5SrgbBlock, {}},                         // ASTC_2D_6X5_SRGB
+    {vk::Format::eE5B9G9R9UfloatPack32, {}},                     // E5B9G9R9F
     // Depth formats
-    {vk::Format::eD32Sfloat, true}, // Z32F
-    {vk::Format::eD16Unorm, true},  // Z16
+    {vk::Format::eD32Sfloat, Attachable}, // Z32F
+    {vk::Format::eD16Unorm, Attachable},  // Z16
     // DepthStencil formats
-    {vk::Format::eD24UnormS8Uint, true}, // Z24S8
-    {vk::Format::eD24UnormS8Uint, true}, // S8Z24 (emulated)
-    {vk::Format::eUndefined, false},     // Z32FS8
+    {vk::Format::eD24UnormS8Uint, Attachable},  // Z24S8
+    {vk::Format::eD24UnormS8Uint, Attachable},  // S8Z24 (emulated)
+    {vk::Format::eD32SfloatS8Uint, Attachable}, // Z32FS8
+static_assert(std::size(tex_format_tuples) == VideoCore::Surface::MaxPixelFormat);
-static constexpr bool IsZetaFormat(PixelFormat pixel_format) {
+constexpr bool IsZetaFormat(PixelFormat pixel_format) {
     return pixel_format >= PixelFormat::MaxColorFormat &&
            pixel_format < PixelFormat::MaxDepthStencilFormat;
-std::pair<vk::Format, bool> SurfaceFormat(const VKDevice& device, FormatType format_type,
-                                          PixelFormat pixel_format) {
-    ASSERT(static_cast<std::size_t>(pixel_format) < tex_format_tuples.size());
+} // Anonymous namespace
-    const auto tuple = tex_format_tuples[static_cast<u32>(pixel_format)];
-    UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(tuple.format == vk::Format::eUndefined,
-                         "Unimplemented texture format with pixel format={}",
-                         static_cast<u32>(pixel_format));
+FormatInfo SurfaceFormat(const VKDevice& device, FormatType format_type, PixelFormat pixel_format) {
+    ASSERT(static_cast<std::size_t>(pixel_format) < std::size(tex_format_tuples));
-    auto usage = vk::FormatFeatureFlagBits::eSampledImage |
-                 vk::FormatFeatureFlagBits::eTransferDst | vk::FormatFeatureFlagBits::eTransferSrc;
-    if (tuple.attachable) {
-        usage |= IsZetaFormat(pixel_format) ? vk::FormatFeatureFlagBits::eDepthStencilAttachment
-                                            : vk::FormatFeatureFlagBits::eColorAttachment;
+    auto tuple = tex_format_tuples[static_cast<std::size_t>(pixel_format)];
+    if (tuple.format == vk::Format::eUndefined) {
+        UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented texture format with pixel format={}",
+                          static_cast<u32>(pixel_format));
+        return {vk::Format::eA8B8G8R8UnormPack32, true, true};
+    }
+    // Use ABGR8 on hardware that doesn't support ASTC natively
+    if (!device.IsOptimalAstcSupported() && VideoCore::Surface::IsPixelFormatASTC(pixel_format)) {
+        tuple.format = VideoCore::Surface::IsPixelFormatSRGB(pixel_format)
+                           ? vk::Format::eA8B8G8R8SrgbPack32
+                           : vk::Format::eA8B8G8R8UnormPack32;
+    }
+    const bool attachable = tuple.usage & Attachable;
+    const bool storage = tuple.usage & Storage;
+    vk::FormatFeatureFlags usage;
+    if (format_type == FormatType::Buffer) {
+        usage = vk::FormatFeatureFlagBits::eStorageTexelBuffer |
+                vk::FormatFeatureFlagBits::eUniformTexelBuffer;
+    } else {
+        usage = vk::FormatFeatureFlagBits::eSampledImage | vk::FormatFeatureFlagBits::eTransferDst |
+                vk::FormatFeatureFlagBits::eTransferSrc;
+        if (attachable) {
+            usage |= IsZetaFormat(pixel_format) ? vk::FormatFeatureFlagBits::eDepthStencilAttachment
+                                                : vk::FormatFeatureFlagBits::eColorAttachment;
+        }
+        if (storage) {
+            usage |= vk::FormatFeatureFlagBits::eStorageImage;
+        }
-    return {device.GetSupportedFormat(tuple.format, usage, format_type), tuple.attachable};
+    return {device.GetSupportedFormat(tuple.format, usage, format_type), attachable, storage};
 vk::ShaderStageFlagBits ShaderStage(Tegra::Engines::ShaderType stage) {
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.h b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.h
index 8b5e3415ca..1534b738b2 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.h
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.h
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <utility>
 #include "common/common_types.h"
 #include "video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.h"
 #include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/declarations.h"
@@ -30,8 +29,13 @@ vk::CompareOp DepthCompareFunction(Tegra::Texture::DepthCompareFunc depth_compar
 } // namespace Sampler
-std::pair<vk::Format, bool> SurfaceFormat(const VKDevice& device, FormatType format_type,
-                                          PixelFormat pixel_format);
+struct FormatInfo {
+    vk::Format format;
+    bool attachable;
+    bool storage;
+FormatInfo SurfaceFormat(const VKDevice& device, FormatType format_type, PixelFormat pixel_format);
 vk::ShaderStageFlagBits ShaderStage(Tegra::Engines::ShaderType stage);